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PALPS was organized in 2004 as an organization of persons interested in the restoration, preservation, and promotion of the 1917 Lighthouse and the Lightkeeper’s dwelling and their related properties. PALPS is a not-for-profit registered charitable organization, and an affiliate of the Ontario Historical Society.

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Recent Point Abino Lighthouse News & Announcements!

During 2011, the lighthouse was closed to visitors as construction crews moved in.

  An extensive structural and exterior restoration took place. ( See the Restoration Progress section.) Of special note, the west doors of the lighthouse have been restored. These doors were destroyed in a vicious “November Gale” of 1985 and the opening was filled in with concrete blocks at that time.


A special feature by CHCH TV on the Point Abino Lighthouse was broadcast on Monday May 25, 2015 

Click on the link below to see why the lighthouse is one of the most aesthetically designed beacons on this side of the Great Lakes!!!



Please enjoy the following short video-Point Abino Lighthouse-Past and Present:



Check out the following short promotional video which features the Point Abino Lighthouse-Niagara's South Coast Tourism



 PALPS is proud to be a participant of the Lighthouse Passport Program.  Come out for a tour and get your Lighthouse Passport stamped!

 Please visit the following link:   www.uslhs.org


We are happy to announce that tours are on for 2024!

June 8 and 22, July 13 and 27, August 10 and 24, September 14 and 28

Tour Times :

10-11:15, 11:15-12:30, 12:30-1:45, 1:45-3:00 

Adults $6.00  Youth (12-16) $3.00  

Children under 12 are free 


PLEASE NOTE Reservations are recommeded and can be made by visiting the Town of Fort Erie website at www.forterie.on.ca

or calling 905-871-1600 ext. 2431  





Photo supplied by C. Fortin
 See the "News/Tourist" section for further details.


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The mission statement of the Point Abino Lighthouse Preservation Society is to “preserve, restore, and promote the Lightstation as an integral part of our local and national culture and heritage”.  

“Lightstation” is a marine term. It refers to the light source (tower, lighthouse), and all the support structures and properties, which support its operation.  This includes storage buildings, docking facilities, accommodations for the light keeper, and even the flagpole, fence and signs.

Point Abino Lighthouse Activities of our volunteers to draw attention the Lightstation and its important place in Canada’s cultural heritage include providing guided tours of the Lightstation during the summer months, setting up information booths at the many summer festivals held throughout the Niagara region, speaking to community and school groups, and organizing seminars by local historians and authors about the Lightstation.  Our fund raising programs also provide local libraries with yearly subscriptions to periodicals about Great lakes lighthouses.
Please help support
The Point Abino Lighthouse
Future Fund

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